Buckner Funken Jazz - www.buckylove.com



Playing In Nauheim Germany 2001


Born in the first half of the last century, when steam locomotives and piston powered airplanes roamed the earth, I suffered a trauma with an open safety pin in infancy, and decided to play the saxophone as a professional musician. With hindsight, a lamentable decision. (Sorry Mom and Dad you were correct.) With a total disregard for logic he plowed ahead at the age of ten and forced my folks to rent a clarinet for me. Then the saxophone at age 13. My fate was sealed.


A graduate of George Washington HS, I then moved on to the College of Music at CU.  (Better than going to Nam.) From there I spent the year 1971 in NYC (comparable to Nam at the time actually...) trying to learn how to drive the sax with Lee Konitz. (A jazz guy nobody has ever heard of but amazingly good.) Then after a bout with the Draft Board (yes I was WAY too crazy to be in the military. Remember those poor career decisions) I moved back to Boulder and continued my stunning career as a freelance musician.  Stints with Fly and the Zippers, Dusty Drapes and the Dusters (they played both styles of music, country AND western.) I did a brief European tour with the Albert King Blues Band in 1980. (Like working for Adolph Hitler)


Then 11 years with Chris Daniels and the Kings think: being a cog in a party-band machine) Then on to the corporate and wedding circuit.  (By that time in the '90's the only way to make money with live music.) Then many years working retail and every other kind of day job and gigs, and.


 Eh, Viola! Here we are in a brave new Covid world and I'm still honking on brass tubes with the Buckner Funken Jazz Band.  And plumb tickled to be doing it. Good To Have You Fly!









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